Resilience 2021

Resilience 2021

Resilience 2020 Congratulations!!!. . . because you are much more resilient than you thought you were!  Celebrate that for a moment. Please. Because you’re probably vastly underestimating how well you are coping.  REASONS TO CELEBRATE Perhaps you have spent a...
Don’t Eat Tommy Smartie

Don’t Eat Tommy Smartie

Don’t Eat Tommy Smartie! This month, May, has had me thinking about permission – specifically, why we wait for others to give us permission when we have every right to get on and be, do, have and create whatever we want. Meanwhile wonderful memories of...
Tackling the Imposter Syndrome

Tackling the Imposter Syndrome

The Fear of being Exposed is Crippling According to research 70% of us will feel like an “imposter” at some point in our career (and it’s not just specific to women). The classic signs include the following psychological elements. At some level you might… fear...

Are you naturally compassionate?

Either way, did you know that being more compassionate improves personal wellbeing and business productivity? I specialise in helping people, teams and organisations to benefit from applying "Compassion At Work". Get free and instant access to my workbook. Just sign up below.

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