Your Headspace Matters
Unfortunately, we don’t all have time to sit and meditate at sunset in Bali (that’d be lovely!). But there’s one thing we do have in common…
No matter what industry we work in, or how well qualified, technically capable, or wealthy we are, very few of us actually enjoy our experience of life on a day to day basis.
Most of us worry about one or more of these things:
* That we’ll be found out: we feel like an imposter; that others will realise that we shouldn’t be in this job
* We secretly worry we’ll make a monumental mess-up of the current project then get fired, lose our home, our family, and die poor and lonely
* We believe we got lucky: that the heavens magically created our success and we don’t deserve it, instead of taking credit for our hard work, dedication and commitment
* We feel bad for feeling bad: we know how good we have it (#firstworldproblems) and we’re afraid it won’t last, anticipating a tragic disaster; which leads to self-sabataging behaviour, that maintains our negative outlook.

“…for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” ~ Hamlet
Your thoughts determine your language, your attitude and your behaviour.
Most of your thoughts are unconscious, and so you’re often guided by how you feel.
For example, if I ask you “What do you think about the person you just met?”, you’ll find it easier to tell me how you feel about them, whether you trust them or not, or want to get to know them better, etc.
But you won’t have much evidence to logically substantiate your opinion at this early stage. You may have heard of the “unconscious bias”.
As a psychologist and coach, I love getting to know what people are actually thinking…then I can help them understand how they feel and why they act in certain ways.
Not all of you reading this will want to hire me as your coach. And as much as I’d love to help everyone, I can only take on a limited number of coaching clients at any one time.
Which is why I came up with this genius idea of helping you to get to know your deepest thoughts, from anywhere in the world, in your own time.

Tiny Voice. Huge Impact
Negative self-talk is annoying, frustrating, hurtful, demeaning, super-critical, and deeply personal.
We all experience negative self-talk, but some of us are more susceptible to our internal negative chit-chat than others.
You might be feeling anxious about something, worried about things that don’t really matter, feeling guilty for believing that you’ve said or done the wrong thing (but actually you haven’t).
Maybe you’re feeling tense, or frustrated and stuck in a rut, procrastinating over something you’d rather just get on with.
You might experience physical sensations – your heart beats faster when you think of a specific situation, or perhaps you have aches and pains, or wake up fretting at 4am that leaves you feeling tired during the day.
Although most of us experience this, we don’t tend to talk about it.
So, this negative stuff builds into a cycle that is really hard to break. But is it possible to break this cycle.
Once you learn how to break this cycle, then you’ll be come more productive, self-assured, more satisfied and happier as you are.