Hello, and thank you for helping me with this.

I’m VERY close to finishing my brand new 8-week online course for women, Stop Self-Sabotaging & Find Your Focus.

I have been working on this for over a year, and it’s finally all coming together. It will be ready to launch in September. And I can’t wait!

The programme will specifically focus on breaking the self-sabotaging cycle and getting into action.

There will be training videos, worksheets, personality profiling, meditations, online webinars…and, well, basically it’s a structured brain-dump of everything I know about how to STOP SELF-SABOTAGING.

It will show you exactly how you can focus on the things you deserve to be, do, have and create in your life.

HOWEVER, I need your help. Before I can finalise the content, I need to make sure that I’ve covered everything.

This is where you come in. Please take a couple of minutes to answer 4 quick questions – all I’d really like to know is:

What two things about Self-Sabotaging do I absolutely need to cover in this online course?





Are you naturally compassionate?

Either way, did you know that being more compassionate improves personal wellbeing and business productivity? I specialise in helping people, teams and organisations to benefit from applying "Compassion At Work". Get free and instant access to my workbook. Just sign up below.

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