Celestial Greetings, lovelies!


How was 2017 for you?

While my 2017 included deaths, drama, and a few left turns, it is ending, thankfully, on a really positive note.

I’m doing a lot of reflection and planning for 2018 and beyond.

See below for my personal “Lifestyle Review” questions for you below.

But first a light-hearted interlude…

” ‘Tis the Season to be Jolly and Joyous ~ Fa La La “

I recently re-read Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” and was delighted to know that he stuck very closely to The Muppet’s film version.

Watch this 20 sec musical scat Feat. Kermit.

If you haven’t watched it yet (and no one is ever too old for The Muppets), I highly recommend it!


The time between Christmas and New Year Eve is a great time for reviewing the year that has been, clearing away the debris and residual negative emotion you’ve been carrying with you.


It’s a great time to think ahead and ask yourself what you really want the next few years to look like. How do you want to feel?


We often put too much pressure on ourselves to over-achieve in one year, when it would be more realistic to plan several years into the future.


Your Lifestyle Review 

If you’re up for a bit of a “Lifestyle Review” before January 1st finds you, here are some questions that might help you to think ahead to 2020:


  1. What is going well in my life right now?
  2. What things currently in my life make me feel how I want to feel?
  3. How do I want to feel in 2020?
  4. What things do I need to have in my life to help me feel this way?
  5. What changes do I have to make? e.g. consider the different areas of your life such as: career and money, lifestyle and socialising, health and exercise, creativity and learning etc.
  6. What do I need to make those changes? e.g. extra money, time, a mindset shift etc.
  7. What small changes can I make in 2018 to help to get closer to my goal? e.g. how can I earn more, how can I be more productive, I will learn something new, I will work with a coach etc.
  8. Who can I share these pans with who will support and encourage me? e.g. share your plans with a friend or mastermind group, or a coach, who will be your cheer-leader; we all need support.

Making notes on these questions will gently guide you through a powerful reflection process.

Taking positive action can help you to disempower your Inner Critic, leaving you feeling more in control of your life, and more confident.


I’d love to hear about your goals and plans in the comments below.


Meanwhile, go gently, and be kind to yourself.

You deserve it.

Your Lifestyle Review PDF

Jess Baker is a Chartered Psychologist, Women’s Leadership Coach, and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society.
For over ten years she has worked across a wide range of industries designing and delivering programmes on leadership development, employee engagement, and assessment methods. 
Jess is an experienced leader, a passionate coach, and an engaging facilitator. She is often quoted in women’s magazines, has trained in stand-up comedy and enjoys speaking at wellbeing events across the UK
She is a Trustee of BelEve UK, helping to empower girls aged 8-18 through leadership programmes in schools and communities.

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