Discover the 5 Dynamic Helper Archetypes
Have you ever wondered why you have such a strong desire to help others?
Through the Dynamic Helper Archetypes, we go deep into the helper’s psyche to explore why we help, how we help, and how to look after ourselves as well as we look after others.
Wanting to help others is a beautiful gift. Not something to be overlooked or undervalued.
Until now, no one has ever explored this simple thing many of us do hundreds of times a day. Building on the research I conducted, with my co-author, for our award-winning book The Super-Helper Syndrome: A Survival Guide for Compassionate People, I give to you …. Drum roll please…
5 Dynamic Helper Archetypes
Each archetype experiences empathy (seeing the suffering) and compassion (doing something about it) playing out in distinct ways – each has its own belief system and unique set of behaviours. Each has its blocks and its breakthroughs.
Understanding your Helper Archetype can help you to amplify your empathy while establishing healthier boundaries. Unlocking your potential for personal growth, leadership success, and having an even greater impact.
Which one are you?
The Boundless Giver
The Boundless Giver thrives on generosity and selflessness. You love helping others and often say “yes” without hesitation. You want to be of value, and to be valued by others. However, your limitless giving can leave you drained or taken for granted.
Super-Helper Power: Inspiring others with your unwavering compassion
The Relentless Rescuer
The Relentless Rescuer loves to help others and feels a deep need to “fix” situations and solve others’ problems. You’re the first to jump in during a crisis, remaining calm under pressure. However, you may at times feel compelled to intervene where your help isn’t truly needed.
Super-Helper Power: Providing unwavering support in times of need
The Invisible Supporter
The Invisible Supporter enjoys maintaining balance and harmony. They work tirelessly behind the scenes, often putting others’ needs before their own. You’re reliable and loyal, but if your efforts go unnoticed, this can lead to feelings of frustration and unfairness.
Super-Helper Power: Creating stability and harmony for those around you
The Heartwise Healer
The Heartwise Healer offers empathy and wisdom. You intuitively sense what others need. People readily open to you and are drawn to your nurturing energy. On the flip side, you may take on emotional burdens that aren’t yours to carry.
Super-Helper Power: Helping others transform and grow through your deep insights
The Hardy Helper
The Hardy Helper has mastered the art of balanced giving. You help when it’s wanted and needed. You set firm boundaries to protect your own time and energy. You are role-model for other compassionate people. You’ve learned that self-care isn’t selfish; it’s essential.
Super-Helper Power: Inspiring others to lead with a respect for everyone’s boundaries.
Who designed this quiz?
I am Jess Baker, a chartered psychologist, author, and award-winning leadership coach.
I help empaths and over-givers become successful impactful leaders. I’ve worked with thousands of kind, giving, caring, compassionate people across the globe. My professional and personal experience inspired my award-winning book, The Super-Helper Syndrome: A Survival Guide for Compassionate People, which has been translated in multiple languages.
Helping is in my DNA.
And so is over-giving, rescuing others, prioritising other’s needs, and not setting strong boundaries!
This is how I know, personally, that all this can lead to feeling exhausted, resentful, and being vulnerable to others taking you for granted.
But I discovered that there’s also a HEALTHY way to help others and have an even bigger impact.
Take the quiz to get immediate access to your full Helper Archetype Profile. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of how your desire to help others impacts your relationships, your work, your team, business, leadership style, as well as your attitude to money and success.