How to promote yourself better at work. It’s a weird thing when a BBC Radio 5 Live producer contacts you saying we’d like your expert opinion as a Business Psychologist. On live radio. In two hours time. Part of me (my Inner Critic) screams...
As well as being a queen-gurner I’m pretty good at putting myself down (there I go again). Negative thinking is normal. But it doesn’t have to ruin your life. Did you know that 4 out of 5 thoughts are negative? Let’s think about that for a...
The Fear of being Exposed is Crippling According to research 70% of us will feel like an “imposter” at some point in our career (and it’s not just specific to women). The classic signs include the following psychological elements. At some level you might… fear...
Focusing on You This is my lovely, colourful, and all-encompassing “Empower Yourself – a Personal Leadership” model. Okay, I’m a bit biased, but don’t you think it incorporates some much-needed focus on key elements that we as...
“Values enable us to fully connect with who we really are” ~ Professor Amy Cuddy Tricky little things Personal values are the trickiest of things to try to define. We are exposed to other people’s expectations from birth and then we have to adhere to...
Happy Sunday! (or not?) Are you familiar with the Sunday blues? It’s what I call that sense of looming dread I have often experienced before an important occasion, or the last day of the holiday before going back to work. I used to get it on a Sunday at the...
Celestial Greetings, lovelies! How was 2017 for you? While my 2017 included deaths, drama, and a few left turns, it is ending, thankfully, on a really positive note. I’m doing a lot of reflection and planning for 2018 and beyond. See below for my personal...
The word “Empower” is used a lot these days – especially with regard to women. There are blogs (like most of mine), networking groups, Facebook groups, and even hashtags, all proposing to help women feel ’empowered’. I love that. Even if...
Either way, did you know that being more compassionate improves personal wellbeing and business productivity? I specialise in helping people, teams and organisations to benefit from applying "Compassion At Work". Get free and instant access to my workbook. Just sign up below.
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